Alive Performance
Module Demo makes your demo website look lively. Instead of reading long description, you can manipulate, select/fill in options and see how the module works right on the front-end.
Release Date: July 8, 2015
ExtStore Module Demo is a demo-builder component for Joomla 3 that allows you to create your own demo for modules. Its purposes are to demonstrate backend settings of modules on frontend and to make them available for users to manipulate module functions.
Module Demo shows off your demo site in a dynamic way. Users can experience different styles and functions of a module by changing its parameters without affecting other elements in website or database. Changes made by one user are just temporary and distinct from other users’ performance.
Super-easy setting and simple management are also outstanding features of Module Demo. With a special button called Module Demo under WYSIWYG editor, you can add as many Module Demo items as you want to Joomla content.
Module Demo makes your demo website look lively. Instead of reading long description, you can manipulate, select/fill in options and see how the module works right on the front-end.
You can show module demo items in horizontal or vertical form. If there are many options in groups, you can show these groups in Tab or Fieldset type.
You can choose any module/options for the module demo item.
Module Demo button appears in all Joomla articles. This button enables you to choose demo modules from available module demo items and insert them to any position of the article. You can also present modules with instruction text to interpret more about their functions.
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