Cuboids Performance
Cuboids are set to spin vertically or horizontally. You can set the number of slices or leave it divide randomly.
SliceBox Slider helps to create impressive and lively 3D slice box on Joomla 3 websites. The cool three-dimensional effects show up in an eye-candy slide-show, along with smooth animation transition effects. The module allows you to ‘cut’ your images into numerous slices, spin the versatile elements and turn them into incredible moving cuboids.
Slicebox Slider works best in modern browsers which support CSS3. In the admin site, you can manage your slide in friendly interface and set the options to spin, slice, control slides and annex the caption on the graphic.
Cuboids are set to spin vertically or horizontally. You can set the number of slices or leave it divide randomly.
You can choose images, add links (open in a new or the same window), add title and caption to slides. You are enabled to add as many images as you want.
Images are loaded fast - no loading time between 2 slides. You can configure cuboids’ rotation speed and interval time.
Slicebox is a jQuery 3D image slider plugin that makes use of CSS 3D Transforms and provides a graceful fallback for older browsers that don't support the new properties.