4 Nice Themes
Virtuemart Accordion offers 4 themes: Black, Modern, Silver and Modern CSS3.
Released Date: May 04, 2017
Release Date: June 29, 2014
Release Date: June 25, 2014
Release Date: April 09, 2014
Release Date: May 11, 2013
Virtuemart Accordion is a powerful Joomla menu module that showcases Virtuemart categories/subcategories in accordion style with 4 clean themes and various options to be chosen. The accordion effect is written in native mootools javascript which is supported by Joomla! core so that there will be no javascript conflict.
Virtuemart Accordion illustrates the products details including title and images on frontend. Of course, these products must be created and assigned to categories beforehand.
Virtuemart Accordion offers 4 themes: Black, Modern, Silver and Modern CSS3.
You can show/hide product count which is displayed next to the categories.
Virtuemart Accordion supports three mouse events to trigger the accordion menu, including Hover, Click and Advanced Click.
There are options to control the delay time and duration of expanding/collapsing accordion items.
Functionality: Works as advertised - neat and easy options Ease of use: Easy to install Documentation: Easy to follow and clear Value for money: great value for money