Nice Style
There are 2 color schemes (light and dark) to match with your website’s look. Comment box width and number of posts are also changeable.
Facebook Comments inserts the comment box as a shortcode into any post by simply using the shortcode {sl_fbcomments}. The plugin also contains built-in moderation tools and removes spammy comments from anonymous commenters.
There are 2 color schemes (light and dark) to match with your website’s look. Comment box width and number of posts are also changeable.
If you turn on the plugin, comment box will appear in all articles. You only need to insert this tag {sl_nofbcomments} to hide it or insert this tag {sl_fbcomments} to display it.
You are able to moderate, delete comments and ban users.
A notification email will be sent to customizable recipient whenever there is a new comment. You can configure subject and body of this email as well.
Facebook Comments turns your website viral because users can comment without registration or logging in step, and indirectly share articles on their Facebook. The plugin was integrated with Facebook notifications, helping users follow the conversation easily.
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