[Announcement] Welcome Summer with the Launch of Three New Versions on ExtStore

[Announcement] Welcome Summer with the Launch of Three New Versions on ExtStore


Dear beloved customers,

As planned in the new development cycle, the three new versions: Advanced Poll 3.0.7, Media Store 2.2.0, Advanced Portfolio Pro 3.7.0 are now available on ExtStore.

These new versions bring you awesome features and minor bug fixes to make ExtStore extensions more user-friendly and more functional.

You can explore excellent changes of these versions at their changelog here:

  Advanced Poll 3.0.7: Demo I Buy Now
   - Added. Show answers in logs page.
   - Added. Show message when poll is expired

  Media Store 2.2.0: Demo I Buy Now
   - Added. Ability to select and delete multiple images in image manager.
   - Added. Ability to select and insert multiple images into product.

  Advanced Portfolio Pro 3.7.0: Demo I Buy Now
   - Added. Ability to select and delete multiple images in image manager.
   - Added. Ability to select and insert multiple images into project.
   - Fixed. The image manager doesn't stay in current folder when delete its sub-folder (redirect to root folder instead).

If you have any question, just feel free to contact us, we are always ready to give you the best answer.


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